
About Us

Choosing a university major has been one of the biggest problems among high school students and their parents as well. This problem sometimes even creates tension between students and their parents.

Based on a survey conducted by Kompas, more than 70% Indonesian people have chosen the wrong majors.

One of the reasons this is happening is lack of information. Many students, and parents, know a very limited number of majors, and the ones they know sometimes are not in line with their unique personality traits.

Another reason is misperception. Many students avoid certain majors because they think those majors lead to careers with ‘no future’.

As a result, the choices of majors in Indonesia have not changed much in the past 30 years, while the demand in the industry has changed a lot. Technology development has also shifted the career trend.

One of the challenges faced by Indonesian youth in the work competition, especially during ASEAN Economic Community, is the lack of variety of expertise.

This is where JURUSANKU comes in. We provide information on university majors, the career map, and employment trend. We prepare the young generation to face the 21st Century challenges, by choosing the right hard skills and give training on 21st Century skills.

Tentang Kami

Memilih jurusan kuliah seringkali menjadi salah satu masalah terbesar bagi siswa SMA. Bahkan masalah ini sering menimbulkan pertentangan antara siswa dan orang tua.

Berdasarkan survey Kompas, lebih dari 70% orang Indonesia salah jurusan.

Salah satu alasan adalah kurangnya informasi. Banyak siswa dan orang tua hanya mengenal puluhan macam jurusan, padahal tersedia ratusan macam jurusan beserta spesialisasinya. Jurusan yang dipilih pun sering tidak sesuai dengan minat, bakat dan kepribadian siswa.

Alasan lain adalah salah persepsi. Banyak siswa dan orang tua menghindari jurusan tertentu karena anggapan yang keliru, misalnya dianggap tidak ada ‘masa depannya’.

Akibatnya, pilihan jurusan di Indonesia tidak banyak berubah selama 30 tahun terakhir, padahal industri sudah berkembang demikian pesat. Perkembangan teknologi juga turut mengubah tren karier.

Salah satu tantangan yang dihadapi generasi muda Indonesia dalam persaingan kerja, terutama di era MEA (Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN), adalah kurangnya keberagaman ahli.

Di sinilah JURUSANKU berperan membuka wawasan orang tua, siswa, dan mahasiswa, dengan menyediakan informasi dan konsultasi tentang jurusan kuliah beserta peta kariernya, dan tren karier masa depan. Kami mempersiapkan generasi muda untuk menghadapi tantangan abad 21, baik pilihan hard skills maupun pelatihan 21st Century skills.


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