Michelle Tanuwidjaja

Michelle Tanuwidjaja2

Artikel ini adalah karya dari Michelle Tanuwidjaja dari Uniprep Junior College yang merupakan juara 1 Jurusanku Essay Competition in Colaboration with Victoria University .

Born and brought up in a country where social inequality is considered a norm, I have witnessed how opulence and poverty can be merely separated by the thickness of a concrete wall. Living in a time that is immensely governed by money, I have observed how Indonesia incessantly struggle in a losing battle against poverty. As the largest archipelago in the world, it is exceptionally onerous to keep every single of its 33 provinces out of the gnawing grasp of pauperism. In Jakarta, I have been blessed with a more indulgent way of living, residing in the central governing city of Indonesia. Nevertheless, throughout the years, it is impossible to overlook a vicious pattern that inhibits social mobility, particularly in rural areas where poverty reigns with tyranny. Due to the extensive size of Indonesia, distribution and supply chain operations have become severe problems that decades of economic theories failed to resolve. This problem pique my zeal in continuing my further studies in Logistics.

A recent discovery has strengthened my belief that Logistics will be a prerequisite knowledge in overcoming the current economic issue in Indonesia. As a depiction of the severity of the problem, a while back ago I learnt that the price of cement in a store down my street is around $6 per kilo, whereas in Central Papua it retails up to $150. The distinction in price of such commodity is astonishing, if not alarming. Logistics studies incorporate purchasing, distribution, and business management among other topics that I am eager to learn.

The rarity of these subjects, fused with Mathematics, creates a dynamic I find captivating. Data analysis has enlightened my understanding of real­life firms in how they establish effective and efficient decisions. As a keen observer to the cyclical economic changes, I was struck by the importance and pertinence of organizational management. Globalization has brought unprecedented obstacles for economies that demanded vital strategic thinking and adaptability to change. Hence, today’s leaders must be equipped with the tools and strategies provided by research and development in Logistics sector.

Besides my academic interest, I also enjoy playing piano and Gamelan, a traditional percussive instrument originating from Bali. I am also an avid reader, a huge aficionado of authors like Jody Piccoult and Agatha Christie. My reading materials have lately expanded to financial literatures such as Rich Dad, Poor Dad and Blink that have deepened my thinking beyond the syllabus.

I have always aspired to excel not only in academics, but also in procuring a global perspective and standpoint that will allow me to contribute as a global citizen of the world. Thus, because of its curriculum eminence, recognition, as well as its international attributes, I am affirmed that Victoria University is the best fit for me. As I believe other international scholars would agree, Melbourne is one of the most suitable cities for education, as well as one of the most promising business centers in the world. Hence, it is a strategic place to network, with abundance of career opportunities. Furthermore, Victoria University put strong emphasis on its extracurricular courses on top of its academic focus, implementing a work­life balance that is often neglected in most other high­ranking universities. I am confident that enrolling in Victoria University will not only stimulate my scholastic competence but also shape my characters to be an independent, innovative, and well­connected graduate.